Have you ever really wanted something really bad?
Have you done all that you could to make it happen,
even if didn't? Have you said all there is to
I came across this today, and I thought it an
interesting statement that I made to someone in
a letter:
"I have done all that I can. I have exhausted
every avenue, every option, every street, every
thing...so much so I stand here feeling empty
and yet complete."
The beauty is that it was a situation that I
very much wanted to turn out differently than it
did, however I found peace in the fact that I
said and did everything I could.
Communication is a beautiful and powerful thing.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Perspective: From A Third Grade Report Card
Today I was going through some papers
one of which was my third grade report card.
One of the teacher comments was,
"Elizabeth is a lovely child.
She can do better work and will
if she talks a bit less."
I remember someone saying that the
thing you got into trouble for as a child
is likely the thing you are meant to do.
I LOVE to talk to people, and I am in a
"talking profession"....what a surprise!
We aren't all meant to be spectacular at
everything. While it is difficult for
me to do certain things, the one thing I
have always had ease in is talking to
The mistake we can make is to limit the
things we are good at in the interest of
refocusing on the things others find
more important.
I remember as a child I always talked too
much - according to others. It may have
been my way of trying to get attention.
However, it also seems that I did - and
do - have a knack for it.
What do YOU have a knack for? and what
are you doing with it?
one of which was my third grade report card.
One of the teacher comments was,
"Elizabeth is a lovely child.
She can do better work and will
if she talks a bit less."
I remember someone saying that the
thing you got into trouble for as a child
is likely the thing you are meant to do.
I LOVE to talk to people, and I am in a
"talking profession"....what a surprise!
We aren't all meant to be spectacular at
everything. While it is difficult for
me to do certain things, the one thing I
have always had ease in is talking to
The mistake we can make is to limit the
things we are good at in the interest of
refocusing on the things others find
more important.
I remember as a child I always talked too
much - according to others. It may have
been my way of trying to get attention.
However, it also seems that I did - and
do - have a knack for it.
What do YOU have a knack for? and what
are you doing with it?
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Things that make you go hmmm...
People who know me know how much I get
upset when people are manipulated by the
likes of those who are adept at hypnotic
technique and NLP.
Today I saw something that I think is
questionable. I know exactly what the
person is doing, and it troubles me.
There was a blog entry about the "dangers
of conversational hypnosis" which ever so
conveniently linked to a program on how
to do conversational hypnosis. How much
you want to bet it's an affiliate link?
When you tell someone about something like
this, the danger almost always often is a
call to investigate further.
I have said for quite some time that people
CAN be manipulated with hypnotic technique,
and it concerns me that there are those who
are teaching others how to do it, claiming
that it's not the tool that is troubling,
but the people who use it. I even heard one
such person's audio which said that if you
were unethical you should not buy his program.
All I can say to that is, "Puhleassse." If
someone didn't know what he was doing, they
might think how wonderful that he was discouraging
misuse. Do you really think someone unethical
would care about what he was saying? Besides
the fact that how he was saying it, was only
encouraging anyone and everyone listening to
buy his offering.
And all I can say to you is do what you can
to become aware about what is possible. The
more aware you are, the less likely it is
that you could be manipulated. Sadly, I do
not believe there is any way to truly and
completely guard against abuse, but it is a
Be well and be safe...and enjoy the rest of
the year.
with Love,
upset when people are manipulated by the
likes of those who are adept at hypnotic
technique and NLP.
Today I saw something that I think is
questionable. I know exactly what the
person is doing, and it troubles me.
There was a blog entry about the "dangers
of conversational hypnosis" which ever so
conveniently linked to a program on how
to do conversational hypnosis. How much
you want to bet it's an affiliate link?
When you tell someone about something like
this, the danger almost always often is a
call to investigate further.
I have said for quite some time that people
CAN be manipulated with hypnotic technique,
and it concerns me that there are those who
are teaching others how to do it, claiming
that it's not the tool that is troubling,
but the people who use it. I even heard one
such person's audio which said that if you
were unethical you should not buy his program.
All I can say to that is, "Puhleassse." If
someone didn't know what he was doing, they
might think how wonderful that he was discouraging
misuse. Do you really think someone unethical
would care about what he was saying? Besides
the fact that how he was saying it, was only
encouraging anyone and everyone listening to
buy his offering.
And all I can say to you is do what you can
to become aware about what is possible. The
more aware you are, the less likely it is
that you could be manipulated. Sadly, I do
not believe there is any way to truly and
completely guard against abuse, but it is a
Be well and be safe...and enjoy the rest of
the year.
with Love,
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Perspective: Stores Online
Recently I went to a seminar for Stores Online.
They use a common ploy these days:
They invite you to an hour and a half introduction,
and serve you a meal. In addition they offered a
"free" mp3 player. It wasn't an ipod. Although
if you wanted an ipod instead of the cheap looking
thing they offered, turns out you can get a
remanufactured one for shipping of about $8.
The introduction they offer is convincing. They
tell you for $48 they will provide you an internet
workshop and lunch. They also tell you - to be
"fair" - that they will be selling you on their
products and services.
I always like to learn as much as I can, so I paid
the money, and went to the day seminar.
I wasn't sure what to expect. I had gone to a
similar one several years ago in NY, but thought
perhaps things had changed enough, it could be
worth it.
Sadly, what I saw was manipulation.
When I went several years ago, I didn't know what
I know now, and I "bought" into what they were
offering, only to rescind it within the legal period
of 3 days after purchase. I realized when I got
home and checked things out, it really wasn't for
me. They had, however, convinced me that what they
offered (which is "merely" tools and a platform)
would open my horizons.
Back then I wasn't as aware of language and manipulation,
as I am now, and I have to wonder how much of that went
into play.
Forward to this time, and I felt badly for those who
were manipulated into the purchase. OVER $6000 to
buy in, and then a monthly fee of about $50 (if I
remember correctly).
Granted, everyone is looking for internet magic,
however, from what I could tell, they weren't offering
much of anything that isn't available somewhere else,
and for - in some cases - free.
The instructor mentioned a "Key Word Tool" and said
that that alone was worth the money that they were
charging. I couldn't believe what he was saying! Yes,
it is a valuable tool, but it is also available through
Google at no charge!
He also kept making a distinction between the "basic"
site (the one you got for $48) and their more advanced
site with all of the tools. Interestingly, for an
internet seminar that was supposed to teach you
something, it was sorely lacking for anyone who wasn't
in a position to (or desirous to) spend the money.
None of the things that were really helpful were a part
of the "basic" plan/site.
Didn't have the money? No problem. They had financing.
If you weren't going to do this, and you had credit
problems, then good luck to you, because if you didn't
have a merchant account, then people wouldn't do business
with you. They - my friends - were your savior.
I decided to write about this because I have some
perspective regarding their services, and my experience.
I went knowing nothing, and got "sold." I went knowing
something and came away with a story to tell. I find it
sad that there are so many organizations that will
manipulate you into doing something, and under the
guise of "helping you."
To be fair, some people have had success with their
products. However, I suspect the failure rate is much
higher. There are many complaints about them on the
They do tell you that you're on your own with these tools.
They don't make promises that they don't keep (at least
not as far as I can tell). But what they do do is
manipulate people into buying something that may not
be beneficial, or right, for them by weaving a deceptive
web that could easily be caught up in.
My experience of their over all attitude was that they
were quite arrogant. As with anything, I always say
you need to find your own way - listen to your gut - and
if what they offer truly speaks to you, then by
all means, act on it. You could be one of those success
However I have found that you can "get by" on your own a
lot less cheaply. Don't know how, or where to start,
perhaps I can help. I do all of my own stuff, and find
that while it may not be the best, it is a place to start.
I'd be happy to see how I could help you get started.
All the best to you.
Hope you are enjoying your holidays!
They use a common ploy these days:
They invite you to an hour and a half introduction,
and serve you a meal. In addition they offered a
"free" mp3 player. It wasn't an ipod. Although
if you wanted an ipod instead of the cheap looking
thing they offered, turns out you can get a
remanufactured one for shipping of about $8.
The introduction they offer is convincing. They
tell you for $48 they will provide you an internet
workshop and lunch. They also tell you - to be
"fair" - that they will be selling you on their
products and services.
I always like to learn as much as I can, so I paid
the money, and went to the day seminar.
I wasn't sure what to expect. I had gone to a
similar one several years ago in NY, but thought
perhaps things had changed enough, it could be
worth it.
Sadly, what I saw was manipulation.
When I went several years ago, I didn't know what
I know now, and I "bought" into what they were
offering, only to rescind it within the legal period
of 3 days after purchase. I realized when I got
home and checked things out, it really wasn't for
me. They had, however, convinced me that what they
offered (which is "merely" tools and a platform)
would open my horizons.
Back then I wasn't as aware of language and manipulation,
as I am now, and I have to wonder how much of that went
into play.
Forward to this time, and I felt badly for those who
were manipulated into the purchase. OVER $6000 to
buy in, and then a monthly fee of about $50 (if I
remember correctly).
Granted, everyone is looking for internet magic,
however, from what I could tell, they weren't offering
much of anything that isn't available somewhere else,
and for - in some cases - free.
The instructor mentioned a "Key Word Tool" and said
that that alone was worth the money that they were
charging. I couldn't believe what he was saying! Yes,
it is a valuable tool, but it is also available through
Google at no charge!
He also kept making a distinction between the "basic"
site (the one you got for $48) and their more advanced
site with all of the tools. Interestingly, for an
internet seminar that was supposed to teach you
something, it was sorely lacking for anyone who wasn't
in a position to (or desirous to) spend the money.
None of the things that were really helpful were a part
of the "basic" plan/site.
Didn't have the money? No problem. They had financing.
If you weren't going to do this, and you had credit
problems, then good luck to you, because if you didn't
have a merchant account, then people wouldn't do business
with you. They - my friends - were your savior.
I decided to write about this because I have some
perspective regarding their services, and my experience.
I went knowing nothing, and got "sold." I went knowing
something and came away with a story to tell. I find it
sad that there are so many organizations that will
manipulate you into doing something, and under the
guise of "helping you."
To be fair, some people have had success with their
products. However, I suspect the failure rate is much
higher. There are many complaints about them on the
They do tell you that you're on your own with these tools.
They don't make promises that they don't keep (at least
not as far as I can tell). But what they do do is
manipulate people into buying something that may not
be beneficial, or right, for them by weaving a deceptive
web that could easily be caught up in.
My experience of their over all attitude was that they
were quite arrogant. As with anything, I always say
you need to find your own way - listen to your gut - and
if what they offer truly speaks to you, then by
all means, act on it. You could be one of those success
However I have found that you can "get by" on your own a
lot less cheaply. Don't know how, or where to start,
perhaps I can help. I do all of my own stuff, and find
that while it may not be the best, it is a place to start.
I'd be happy to see how I could help you get started.
All the best to you.
Hope you are enjoying your holidays!
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Joy, Santa, and Susan Boyle

As much as I don't appreciate the
commercial aspects of the upcoming holiday,
I can't help but wonder what a world would be like that
exhibited more of the pure joy
Santa brings to the child in us.
By the way, I heard Susan Boyle's version
of Silent Night today - it is so beautiful
Listen for yourself (affiliate link)
santa claus,
silent night,
susan boyle
The Paradox of Deciding Who Dies and How
I just saw this article about an Ohio inmate who
was executed via lethal injection.
I am writing about it because it occurred
to me that it seemed rather paradoxical
that we live in a culture that would think
that OK, while being against a person's
right to choose to die (such in the case
of someone who is terminally ill).
I realize that inherent in the choices is
likely to be a judgment of what a life worth
living is. However, I have to wonder how a
life in pain is judged to be worth living,
IF the person living it is suffering so much
that he or she wants to make the choice to die.
I realize it - like many things - is a
complex set of issues and facts, however,
the problem, to some degree for me, is how
those who aren't in the situation get to
dictate what is allowable for someone who is.
In my opinion, when there is a true respect
for a life and an individual, there is an
awareness of a perspective that may vary
greatly from one's own. In some cases it
may be wise and helpful to watch out for
another, but when does watching out become
unnecessary - unwanted - control?
I'd like to think that most people have the
best of intentions when it comes to others.
However, these intentions can be troubling
to the intended recipient.
We may not always understand another's
perspective, but if we are truly to help
another, I think we must allow for varying
personal experiences, even when we disagree.
I also think it worthy to consider that
the choices we may inflict on another may
have more to do with us, than with them.
I am not saying that I know "THE" answer,
because I don't know that there is ONE.
However, what I do know is that throughout
life most people I know desire to be heard,
and paid attention to, and to have their
perspectives respected. Given that death
is a part of life, I would suspect that the
same would hold true even as someone
terminally ill knows more about the
impending end than others might.
What are your thoughts on
this very difficult topic?
(Want some perspective on assisted suicide?
visit http://www.assistedsuicide.org/)
was executed via lethal injection.
I am writing about it because it occurred
to me that it seemed rather paradoxical
that we live in a culture that would think
that OK, while being against a person's
right to choose to die (such in the case
of someone who is terminally ill).
I realize that inherent in the choices is
likely to be a judgment of what a life worth
living is. However, I have to wonder how a
life in pain is judged to be worth living,
IF the person living it is suffering so much
that he or she wants to make the choice to die.
I realize it - like many things - is a
complex set of issues and facts, however,
the problem, to some degree for me, is how
those who aren't in the situation get to
dictate what is allowable for someone who is.
In my opinion, when there is a true respect
for a life and an individual, there is an
awareness of a perspective that may vary
greatly from one's own. In some cases it
may be wise and helpful to watch out for
another, but when does watching out become
unnecessary - unwanted - control?
I'd like to think that most people have the
best of intentions when it comes to others.
However, these intentions can be troubling
to the intended recipient.
We may not always understand another's
perspective, but if we are truly to help
another, I think we must allow for varying
personal experiences, even when we disagree.
I also think it worthy to consider that
the choices we may inflict on another may
have more to do with us, than with them.
I am not saying that I know "THE" answer,
because I don't know that there is ONE.
However, what I do know is that throughout
life most people I know desire to be heard,
and paid attention to, and to have their
perspectives respected. Given that death
is a part of life, I would suspect that the
same would hold true even as someone
terminally ill knows more about the
impending end than others might.
What are your thoughts on
this very difficult topic?
(Want some perspective on assisted suicide?
visit http://www.assistedsuicide.org/)
assisted suicide,
death penalty,
life and death
Monday, December 7, 2009
Working with One's Strengths VS Going Against the Tide
A friend sent this video to me today.
It's about a dog and the human who
set out to make it something it wasn't
meant to be.
As you will see, that person came to
realize the beauty in allowing the
dog to be something closer to what
its own personality is.
How many times do we try to force
things? and to what result?
It's about a dog and the human who
set out to make it something it wasn't
meant to be.
As you will see, that person came to
realize the beauty in allowing the
dog to be something closer to what
its own personality is.
How many times do we try to force
things? and to what result?
service dog,
Sunday, December 6, 2009
As you may know from some previous blogs,
I have been having some difficulties lately,
and have wondered if I would have to leave
southern California to return to New York.
When I moved here almost 3 years ago, I was
certain that I needed to be here. It made
no logical sense for anyone, including me.
Although, I had considered a move to the
area more than once.
My situation has made me question many
things, and has left me at times in a deep,
dark place, and at other times has given
me optimism and hope in ways never before.
Interestingly, at the darkest place I have
been, I got really sad thinking about leaving,
and I decided to begin to be grateful (on a
more aware and consistent basis) for the
things I have, the environment I am in, the
palm trees, the mountains, the fact that I
am in southern California.

In the last few weeks, that is the ONLY thing
that I am aware of that I have done
differently, as I have been plugging away
for some time, working on creating things,
as always.
In addition, there have been those who have
wished me well, and prayers that have been
sent my way that have been very much
appreciated. Positive energy in my direction
is always welcome.
While there are many issues and questions
that I am facing these days, not the least
of which are others' judgments and assessments
of what I am doing and should do, and how I go
about what I am doing. Let me tell you, I am
getting some very important lessons in
There were certain things I felt and believed
before, and now I am becoming reacquainted
with them in a bigger way, and at some point
I will share...the point that I become more
clear about the role of the twists and turns
my life is taking.
In the meantime, I am appreciating where I
am and what I am able to do, and I am plowing
forward, and the last week or so has been one
of the best weeks I have had in a very long
I don't know where this will wind up. However,
I have the desire for it to be somewhere
amazing, and believe that, just like so many
other rough patches in my life, and seeming
cliffs, there is something that I will be able
to relate with others about in a way that can
make a difference.
Who knows if it's "true," or not? But then
again, how does anyone know what is "true?"
So, for now that's my story, and I'm sticking
to it.
Be well...with much Love and Appreciation,

PS If you know anyone who could use my help
as a hypnotist, or in any other way (see
JoLoPe.com for the many things that are me)
please connect us. Thanks!
I have been having some difficulties lately,
and have wondered if I would have to leave
southern California to return to New York.
When I moved here almost 3 years ago, I was
certain that I needed to be here. It made
no logical sense for anyone, including me.
Although, I had considered a move to the
area more than once.
My situation has made me question many
things, and has left me at times in a deep,
dark place, and at other times has given
me optimism and hope in ways never before.
Interestingly, at the darkest place I have
been, I got really sad thinking about leaving,
and I decided to begin to be grateful (on a
more aware and consistent basis) for the
things I have, the environment I am in, the
palm trees, the mountains, the fact that I
am in southern California.

In the last few weeks, that is the ONLY thing
that I am aware of that I have done
differently, as I have been plugging away
for some time, working on creating things,
as always.
In addition, there have been those who have
wished me well, and prayers that have been
sent my way that have been very much
appreciated. Positive energy in my direction
is always welcome.
While there are many issues and questions
that I am facing these days, not the least
of which are others' judgments and assessments
of what I am doing and should do, and how I go
about what I am doing. Let me tell you, I am
getting some very important lessons in
There were certain things I felt and believed
before, and now I am becoming reacquainted
with them in a bigger way, and at some point
I will share...the point that I become more
clear about the role of the twists and turns
my life is taking.
In the meantime, I am appreciating where I
am and what I am able to do, and I am plowing
forward, and the last week or so has been one
of the best weeks I have had in a very long
I don't know where this will wind up. However,
I have the desire for it to be somewhere
amazing, and believe that, just like so many
other rough patches in my life, and seeming
cliffs, there is something that I will be able
to relate with others about in a way that can
make a difference.
Who knows if it's "true," or not? But then
again, how does anyone know what is "true?"
So, for now that's my story, and I'm sticking
to it.
Be well...with much Love and Appreciation,

PS If you know anyone who could use my help
as a hypnotist, or in any other way (see
JoLoPe.com for the many things that are me)
please connect us. Thanks!
southern california
Friday, November 27, 2009
Perspective: Holidays, Stress Relief, and Creativity
Needed a creative outlet, as I have been doing a lot
of website page creation and coding (at times so
I came up with this...what do you think? I was
thinking it might make a cool holiday greeting/

If you're curious about what I am doing, please
visit Deeper-And-Deeper.com. Lots has been done,
and there's lots more to go! Anyone inspired
to proofread and check links, I'd be appreciative.
It's difficult to be a one woman band. Fresh
eyes are welcome!
I hope you had a great Thanksgiving, and are
appreciating the days leading up to Christmas.
Remember I have a Holiday Stress Buster, if
you think you need some help with how to manage
that stress. I am no magician, but I know what
I am offering has the potential to amaze you!
of website page creation and coding (at times so
I came up with this...what do you think? I was
thinking it might make a cool holiday greeting/

If you're curious about what I am doing, please
visit Deeper-And-Deeper.com. Lots has been done,
and there's lots more to go! Anyone inspired
to proofread and check links, I'd be appreciative.
It's difficult to be a one woman band. Fresh
eyes are welcome!
I hope you had a great Thanksgiving, and are
appreciating the days leading up to Christmas.
Remember I have a Holiday Stress Buster, if
you think you need some help with how to manage
that stress. I am no magician, but I know what
I am offering has the potential to amaze you!
stress relief
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Seemingly Comatose Man Aware
Did you hear about Rom Houben? Apparently, he appeared
to be in a coma for 23 years, when in actuality, he was
conscious, and very aware of all that was happening and
being said around him.
Many people have been amazed by Rom's story, and what is
currently being conveyed by a specialized machine and
his ability to express his experience.
It has astounded many, and stirred up all kinds of
things, including hope for some whose loved ones have
been in what would seem a coma. Might there be others
like Rom?
What I personally found interesting was my perspective
as a Hypnotist who has been hypnotized. You see, I know
when you are hypnotized, you could be in a state in which
you are unable to speak and unable to move, and yet, you
could be aware of what is going on around you, and even
"speak" things in your mind, but not be able to communicate
them audibly.
As the piece that made the difference for this man's life
and future was a brain scan, I find myself wondering what
(if any) relationship there might be between his and a
hypnotic experience. In Rom's case, he is reportedly fully
paralyzed, however, in hypnosis, what the mind "believes"
to be true will likely be the experience of the body.
It makes me think. What about you?
to be in a coma for 23 years, when in actuality, he was
conscious, and very aware of all that was happening and
being said around him.
Many people have been amazed by Rom's story, and what is
currently being conveyed by a specialized machine and
his ability to express his experience.
It has astounded many, and stirred up all kinds of
things, including hope for some whose loved ones have
been in what would seem a coma. Might there be others
like Rom?
What I personally found interesting was my perspective
as a Hypnotist who has been hypnotized. You see, I know
when you are hypnotized, you could be in a state in which
you are unable to speak and unable to move, and yet, you
could be aware of what is going on around you, and even
"speak" things in your mind, but not be able to communicate
them audibly.
As the piece that made the difference for this man's life
and future was a brain scan, I find myself wondering what
(if any) relationship there might be between his and a
hypnotic experience. In Rom's case, he is reportedly fully
paralyzed, however, in hypnosis, what the mind "believes"
to be true will likely be the experience of the body.
It makes me think. What about you?
Stress Management with Hypnosis
When you consider Stress Management, have you ever
considered Hypnosis as an option?
Just today I was working with a client who was audibly
amazed at how simply powerful hypnotic suggestion
is to make a difference.
Hypnosis isn't magic, but it is certainly magical, and if
you have ever considered it, now might be the time to
act on the idea.
Odds are fairly good you will be amazed, and if you
are seeking some sort of help or program for Stress
Management I would like to invite you to try it out my
StressBusterBuddy Plan.
It is designed in a way that helps you to interact with
stress in a different way than what you are accustomed
to. It is virtually risk free, and if you want me to take
all of the risk out of it for you, just tell me you saw this
blog, and you will get a 100% Money Back Guarantee.
If you even want me to take it a step further, I will. I
invite you to have the session first, and pay for it after
we're done, should you find value in it for yourself.
I am so certain that you will get value from this program
designed for those, like you, who need something to
help manage their stress, that I stand behind my offer
and my work.
Reasons to not do something are easy to come by, and
perhaps you'll find one not to act, however if you are
stressed, I invite you to consider finding the reasons to
experience the magical nature and effects of Stress
Management with Hypnosis for yourself.
Go here today -> Stress Management Hypnosis
considered Hypnosis as an option?
Just today I was working with a client who was audibly
amazed at how simply powerful hypnotic suggestion
is to make a difference.
Hypnosis isn't magic, but it is certainly magical, and if
you have ever considered it, now might be the time to
act on the idea.
Odds are fairly good you will be amazed, and if you
are seeking some sort of help or program for Stress
Management I would like to invite you to try it out my
StressBusterBuddy Plan.
It is designed in a way that helps you to interact with
stress in a different way than what you are accustomed
to. It is virtually risk free, and if you want me to take
all of the risk out of it for you, just tell me you saw this
blog, and you will get a 100% Money Back Guarantee.
If you even want me to take it a step further, I will. I
invite you to have the session first, and pay for it after
we're done, should you find value in it for yourself.
I am so certain that you will get value from this program
designed for those, like you, who need something to
help manage their stress, that I stand behind my offer
and my work.
Reasons to not do something are easy to come by, and
perhaps you'll find one not to act, however if you are
stressed, I invite you to consider finding the reasons to
experience the magical nature and effects of Stress
Management with Hypnosis for yourself.
Go here today -> Stress Management Hypnosis
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Perspective: Warning Bells & Gut Feelings
There is a story I read about an
Australian man who was a plumber
who reportedly masqueraded as a
The story says he was alleged to
have sexual contact with several
women who went to him for his
It is stories like this, coupled
with people's misconceptions, that
does no one any good.
While, for some, the idea of energy
can be "woo-wooee," if they were to
be willing to have a conversation
with someone who had some clue about
what they were talking about, they
might see that there could be some
validity to the idea that energy
work could be helpful.
Unfortunately there are a couple of
issues in regard to situations like
this. One issue is that when someone
is vulnerable, it is quite possible
they will be gullible.
However, within the midst of charlatans
and those who tend to take advantage,
there are those who want to - and can -
help while taking care of the person
who comes to them.
When day-to-day people aren't in touch
with their own inner guidance, they
become bigger targets in time of need.
Sadly, I have met some of these people,
and haven't used my own best judgment.
At the same time, a few years back a
friend of mine was telling me about this
"guru" type that she had met. He and I
spoke,and my inner alarms were going off.
Nothing ever came of it.
However, for my friend, I think there
were some things that happened that she
did not feel comfortable with. She never
went into any details but, based on what
was said, I suspect that my suspicions
(my alarms) were right.
I think we all have "alarms," we just
sometimes override them in our desire to
have something or in our desperation to
deal with it.
Things like this go back to my recurring
theme that we need to pay attention to
our inner guidance. If we did that, we
would find ourselves making the choices
that are best for us.
Is it an easy thing to do? Not really...
especially in the beginning, or in more
difficult times. However, the more that
we do it, the more dependable it can
become, and the easier it is to reach out
to it as a resource.
Perhaps we can use situations like this
to help to awaken us to ourselves...
however to do that, we need to be aware
of how we are processing stories like this.
Just because someone acted unethically in
regard to something doesn't necessarily
mean that what they are doing should be
disregarded as quackery.
It is important to separate the person from
the thing, and to assess each individually.
For instance, the subject of Hypnosis is
a hot topic. Some would not believe in
Hypnosis, and that lack of belief may stem
from an experience they, or someone else
had. That experience may have had nothing
to do what Hypnosis can do, and everything
to do with the Hypnotist.
When one blindly considers options, one may
potentially get an experience they will feel
compelled to justify or nullify, should it
not be a good one. It is one of those human
things that we do, when we're unconsciously
interacting with our situation and environment.
Gut feelings use warning bells as one means
to communicate with us, and it is important to
pay attention, and act on what they advise.
The key is to go into every situation as aware
as we can be to make the best choices for us.
The more we do that, the less likely we are to
fear the unknown, and be able to be manipulated
by others, especially predators.
Not sure how to be more in touch? Let's talk.
I bet you're more in touch than you realize.
Australian man who was a plumber
who reportedly masqueraded as a
The story says he was alleged to
have sexual contact with several
women who went to him for his
It is stories like this, coupled
with people's misconceptions, that
does no one any good.
While, for some, the idea of energy
can be "woo-wooee," if they were to
be willing to have a conversation
with someone who had some clue about
what they were talking about, they
might see that there could be some
validity to the idea that energy
work could be helpful.
Unfortunately there are a couple of
issues in regard to situations like
this. One issue is that when someone
is vulnerable, it is quite possible
they will be gullible.
However, within the midst of charlatans
and those who tend to take advantage,
there are those who want to - and can -
help while taking care of the person
who comes to them.
When day-to-day people aren't in touch
with their own inner guidance, they
become bigger targets in time of need.
Sadly, I have met some of these people,
and haven't used my own best judgment.
At the same time, a few years back a
friend of mine was telling me about this
"guru" type that she had met. He and I
spoke,and my inner alarms were going off.
Nothing ever came of it.
However, for my friend, I think there
were some things that happened that she
did not feel comfortable with. She never
went into any details but, based on what
was said, I suspect that my suspicions
(my alarms) were right.
I think we all have "alarms," we just
sometimes override them in our desire to
have something or in our desperation to
deal with it.
Things like this go back to my recurring
theme that we need to pay attention to
our inner guidance. If we did that, we
would find ourselves making the choices
that are best for us.
Is it an easy thing to do? Not really...
especially in the beginning, or in more
difficult times. However, the more that
we do it, the more dependable it can
become, and the easier it is to reach out
to it as a resource.
Perhaps we can use situations like this
to help to awaken us to ourselves...
however to do that, we need to be aware
of how we are processing stories like this.
Just because someone acted unethically in
regard to something doesn't necessarily
mean that what they are doing should be
disregarded as quackery.
It is important to separate the person from
the thing, and to assess each individually.
For instance, the subject of Hypnosis is
a hot topic. Some would not believe in
Hypnosis, and that lack of belief may stem
from an experience they, or someone else
had. That experience may have had nothing
to do what Hypnosis can do, and everything
to do with the Hypnotist.
When one blindly considers options, one may
potentially get an experience they will feel
compelled to justify or nullify, should it
not be a good one. It is one of those human
things that we do, when we're unconsciously
interacting with our situation and environment.
Gut feelings use warning bells as one means
to communicate with us, and it is important to
pay attention, and act on what they advise.
The key is to go into every situation as aware
as we can be to make the best choices for us.
The more we do that, the less likely we are to
fear the unknown, and be able to be manipulated
by others, especially predators.
Not sure how to be more in touch? Let's talk.
I bet you're more in touch than you realize.
gut feelings,
warning bells
Friday, November 20, 2009
Your Perspective, Please! (Free Publicity)
Looking for stories from people of a time
that being "true to yourself" was
rewarding and empowering.
It was likely a time you felt you were
swimming against the tide, but it "felt"
more right than any other option(s) you
had, or others thought you should choose.
It could be a time
* your head and your heart were at odds,
and you went with your heart
* that you were yourself in spite of what
others said or believed
* when the odds may have seemed against
what you want to do/what you believed
* when what you were doing made no
sense to you, or anyone around you
* when success may have been defined differently
than what is "traditional" or "expected."
By submitting your story, you are giving me
permission to use it for my blog, newsletter,
and/or any other project my creativity might
come up with.
You are also giving me permission to edit your
work. If you want to see it with the edits
before it is used, to be certain it conveys
you and your story accurately, just let me know.
In addition, you are also validating that you
own the rights to what you are submitting, and
that you have the rights to give me permission
to publish your story.
In exchange for your generosity, you can include
the following information with your story:
- A picture
- Your name
- Your business name
- Your Website Address
- Your Twitter/Facebook/LinkedIn
- Phone Number/Address
- Short Bio
Got questions? I got answers. Hopefully they'll
be the ones you need. :-)
Please email your information to
PLEASE forward this to others!
that being "true to yourself" was
rewarding and empowering.
It was likely a time you felt you were
swimming against the tide, but it "felt"
more right than any other option(s) you
had, or others thought you should choose.
It could be a time
* your head and your heart were at odds,
and you went with your heart
* that you were yourself in spite of what
others said or believed
* when the odds may have seemed against
what you want to do/what you believed
* when what you were doing made no
sense to you, or anyone around you
* when success may have been defined differently
than what is "traditional" or "expected."
By submitting your story, you are giving me
permission to use it for my blog, newsletter,
and/or any other project my creativity might
come up with.
You are also giving me permission to edit your
work. If you want to see it with the edits
before it is used, to be certain it conveys
you and your story accurately, just let me know.
In addition, you are also validating that you
own the rights to what you are submitting, and
that you have the rights to give me permission
to publish your story.
In exchange for your generosity, you can include
the following information with your story:
- A picture
- Your name
- Your business name
- Your Website Address
- Your Twitter/Facebook/LinkedIn
- Phone Number/Address
- Short Bio
Got questions? I got answers. Hopefully they'll
be the ones you need. :-)
Please email your information to
PLEASE forward this to others!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Perspective: Time to Reconsider our Model?
Manipulation is everywhere in so many subtle ways.
The beauty industry manipulates women into thinking
that they are not thin enough or beautiful enough,
even when the models themselves aren't what they
seem to be, either.
Websites that tell you what's good for you are at
odds with each other, depending on what perspective
they are taking. Most data can be manipulated to
fit whatever case someone wants to make.
Marketers will tell you to ACT NOW to get a special
offer that will likely still be around long after
it is supposed to go away.
People claim themselves as Experts, and as such,
you are led to believe what they say as the Gospel
What is defined as success is even manipulated.
Can you only be a guru, an expert if you are making
gazillions of dollars at what you do?
The experts will, of course, tell you yes, and then
they often proceed to charge you great sums of money
for what they do because they are an EXPERT.
I suggest that we look at this model very carefully.
I suggest it because it is a model that doesn't
necessarily serve anyone, except, perhaps the person
who is selling the product or service. How many
things have you bought that haven't been helpful to
you? Of course, if they haven't been helpful to you
there's something wrong - with you.
Ironically, then, you want to become one of "those"
experts so you can start charging a lot for your
product and/or service. If you don't charge enough,
you have "value" issues. Sorry, but I am not sure
I agree.
I would like to suggest that we start to view things
differently, and it means listening to others, but
only long enough to gauge what they say against what
we feel. The problem is that often what we can feel
can be manipulated by someone who is skilled at
manipulation when we don't take the time to assess
things for ourselves.
Is it easy? No. It is much easier to just go with
the flow, and then when faced with remorse, justify
that we did the right thing.
However, I would suggest that it would be much more
rewarding for us to listen to ourselves rather than
sales pitches when making a decision.
I suspect most purchases are REACTIONS to a pitch than
they are a conscious choice on your part.
With the way things are currently, I suspect that there
is a lesson here that needs to be learned, and the
sooner we can learn it, the better. The difficult
thing is that we can't avoid learning the lesson by
ignoring the problems we're having.
I haven't quite figured this out yet, however, I believe
strongly that there is something to this conversation,
as there are always other perspectives to be had.
Sometimes we can't see or understand a thing, unless
we are able to see or experience its opposite.
Sometimes what we think we see isn't what we thought
we saw a minute ago.
What if what is happening is the best thing that could
ever have happened? What if it allows people to open
themselves up in a whole new way? What if we stop buying
things that are unnecessarily filling up our landfills?
What if we start doing the "core" things in life, instead
of being swayed by what could, by some, be interpreted
as "fluff"?
Several years ago I wrote about the ingenuity of mankind.
It is amazing the things that he is capable of creating.
Does it mean that everything conceived should be created?
I will tell you in my experience I know how to do things
that can greatly affect people in a negative way - for
them. Do I do it? No. I even go out of my way to stay
away from doing it.
Perhaps it is time we stepped back and questioned things
in a whole new way. Perhaps it is a time to turn within
and look at those things we haven't wanted to face. I
bet they're much more beautiful than we have thought them
to be (due to the undo influence of outside forces).
It is uncomfortable to change directions, but I think it's
even more uncomfortable to know you need to change directions,
and not act on it. I suspect anyone reading this knows
exactly what I mean, and if you do, I would kindly (and
gently) suggest that it's time to start paying attention.
If you're struggling against yourself, and want to change
it, it's a good idea to work with your unconscious.
Someone I have been working with recently said, "I feel
like I am handling life, instead of life handling me."
This is the kind of power we can all have.
If interested in learning more about hypnosis, and what
hypnosis can do for you, please visit
If this conversation interests you, please see more on
this topic at MagicPillforHappiness.com
Your comments are welcome. How do you feel about what
I have said?
The beauty industry manipulates women into thinking
that they are not thin enough or beautiful enough,
even when the models themselves aren't what they
seem to be, either.
Websites that tell you what's good for you are at
odds with each other, depending on what perspective
they are taking. Most data can be manipulated to
fit whatever case someone wants to make.
Marketers will tell you to ACT NOW to get a special
offer that will likely still be around long after
it is supposed to go away.
People claim themselves as Experts, and as such,
you are led to believe what they say as the Gospel
What is defined as success is even manipulated.
Can you only be a guru, an expert if you are making
gazillions of dollars at what you do?
The experts will, of course, tell you yes, and then
they often proceed to charge you great sums of money
for what they do because they are an EXPERT.
I suggest that we look at this model very carefully.
I suggest it because it is a model that doesn't
necessarily serve anyone, except, perhaps the person
who is selling the product or service. How many
things have you bought that haven't been helpful to
you? Of course, if they haven't been helpful to you
there's something wrong - with you.
Ironically, then, you want to become one of "those"
experts so you can start charging a lot for your
product and/or service. If you don't charge enough,
you have "value" issues. Sorry, but I am not sure
I agree.
I would like to suggest that we start to view things
differently, and it means listening to others, but
only long enough to gauge what they say against what
we feel. The problem is that often what we can feel
can be manipulated by someone who is skilled at
manipulation when we don't take the time to assess
things for ourselves.
Is it easy? No. It is much easier to just go with
the flow, and then when faced with remorse, justify
that we did the right thing.
However, I would suggest that it would be much more
rewarding for us to listen to ourselves rather than
sales pitches when making a decision.
I suspect most purchases are REACTIONS to a pitch than
they are a conscious choice on your part.
With the way things are currently, I suspect that there
is a lesson here that needs to be learned, and the
sooner we can learn it, the better. The difficult
thing is that we can't avoid learning the lesson by
ignoring the problems we're having.
I haven't quite figured this out yet, however, I believe
strongly that there is something to this conversation,
as there are always other perspectives to be had.
Sometimes we can't see or understand a thing, unless
we are able to see or experience its opposite.
Sometimes what we think we see isn't what we thought
we saw a minute ago.
What if what is happening is the best thing that could
ever have happened? What if it allows people to open
themselves up in a whole new way? What if we stop buying
things that are unnecessarily filling up our landfills?
What if we start doing the "core" things in life, instead
of being swayed by what could, by some, be interpreted
as "fluff"?
Several years ago I wrote about the ingenuity of mankind.
It is amazing the things that he is capable of creating.
Does it mean that everything conceived should be created?
I will tell you in my experience I know how to do things
that can greatly affect people in a negative way - for
them. Do I do it? No. I even go out of my way to stay
away from doing it.
Perhaps it is time we stepped back and questioned things
in a whole new way. Perhaps it is a time to turn within
and look at those things we haven't wanted to face. I
bet they're much more beautiful than we have thought them
to be (due to the undo influence of outside forces).
It is uncomfortable to change directions, but I think it's
even more uncomfortable to know you need to change directions,
and not act on it. I suspect anyone reading this knows
exactly what I mean, and if you do, I would kindly (and
gently) suggest that it's time to start paying attention.
If you're struggling against yourself, and want to change
it, it's a good idea to work with your unconscious.
Someone I have been working with recently said, "I feel
like I am handling life, instead of life handling me."
This is the kind of power we can all have.
If interested in learning more about hypnosis, and what
hypnosis can do for you, please visit
If this conversation interests you, please see more on
this topic at MagicPillforHappiness.com
Your comments are welcome. How do you feel about what
I have said?
beauty industry,
sales pitches
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Victoria Gardens
Over the summer I was in Rancho Cucamonga, CA's
Victoria Gardens with my handy dandy Flip Camera.
At the time I made this video. Maybe it'll be a
taste of warmth for those who are in the cold this
time of year.
Victoria Gardens with my handy dandy Flip Camera.
At the time I made this video. Maybe it'll be a
taste of warmth for those who are in the cold this
time of year.
rancho cucamonga,
victoria gardens,
Monday, November 16, 2009
Sunday, November 15, 2009
There's this thing called the phone...

There's this thing called the phone. Have
you heard of it?
It is an electronic device that has numbers
on it. Once upon a time it actually had a
dial. These days, except for those who wax
nostalgic, it is likely to have buttons.
When these buttons are pressed, there is
some magic that happens. Those numbers that
are "dialed" (coming from the older days)
actually go to another phone which belongs
to someone you'd like to speak with.
Upon dialing you hear a sound which is
called ringing. The other person also hears
ringing, however, these days the ringing in
either case could actually be music, or
even someone speaking.
Should that person choose to pick up the
phone, you can actually have a live conversation
with them! Can you imagine that?!
The benefits of this piece of equipment are
as follows:
An actual connection with another person
No waiting to get an answer for a question,
unless the person needs to get back to you for
some reason.
Fewer misunderstandings than text messages and
emails. Less communications back and forth to
It is likely to be more expedient to get work
In the event that you are unable to connect
with the person, you can leave the verbal
equivalent of an email with something called
an answering machine, but probably more likely
something called voicemail. Since the person
will be able to hear your voice, they will be
better able to tell how you are feeling about
what you're saying than if they were reading it.
In addition, if this person likes you, they
may very well enjoy hearing the sound of your
voice, and appreciate "hearing" from you.
People have been known to save messages,
especially the ones that they enjoyed listening to.
I invite you to consider using a phone in this
manner. As a matter of fact, below this blog
entry there is a red symbol that looks like a
triangle with a line over it. It also has the
words "call here." The graphic is meant to
symbolize the phone. Now that you know what a
call is and the purpose of a phone, perhaps you
could click it, and call me. And we can talk.
And who knows?
Wouldn't that be something?
Friday, November 13, 2009
Help, Please...Thanks.
Recently I needed a distraction, so I took
@Alamar9's avatar on Twitter, and played
with it in Photoshop. This is what I came
up with

I am no expert in Photoshop, but I do seem
to come up with many things that people
like (including my Twitter background).
It's fun, and it is a creative outlet, which
I enjoy, and I got to thinking that maybe
there were others on Twitter, or even in the
"real" world (how does the real world exist
without Twitter?) that might have a need for
a revamped original image, or perhaps something
that I can create for them.
You may have seen my previous blog entry about
how things are for me at the moment, and to
say "not good" is an understatement. People
seem to appreciate what I do, as long as it's
free. I am more than happy to give of myself,
the only problem is I need to pay bills, and
things are fairly desperate at the moment.
So...My request to you if you are reading this
is to remember me if you need - anything. I don't
know if I can help, or not, but I will give it
my best shot. I may not be able to help
personally, but I can reach out to others. In
addition, maybe I can help you in a way that I
can get paid for my services, maybe in a way you
didn't even know I was capable.
There are many things I am able to do, and it
is difficult to make a comprehensive listing of
them in a way that marketers tell me won't be
confusing for you.
I am open to partnering with people, creating
affiliate type relationships, to helping creating
basic web pages, to hosting those pages, to helping
someone with a project from an administrative point
of view, to...(the list could go on).
You can learn more about me and (about some of) what
I do at JoLoPe.net and HolidayStressBuster.com.
There is a lot there, and if you prefer, just
pick up the phone and call. I find it the most
expedient and effective way to get things done.
I know I can't be the only one in this position -
someone with something to give, and having
difficulty finding a way to give it and survive
these tough times. Let's do what we can for each
other - Please. Thank you.
PS If you'd like to help me with my basic needs
and are willing to donate any funds, you can send
money on PayPal to ThankYou@JoLoPe.com.
It sucks to ask because I would so much rather
do something to help another for any money received.
If you really want to help, the best thing you could
do is help another by helping them to find me. I
promise you, I will take very good care of them, and
should they want hypnosis, they will get one of the
best hypnotists out there. Thanks so much!
PPS This is about helping each other, so even if you
don't think you can help me, and you need help, please
speak up! However, don't underestimate the value of
a recommendation, or a small purchase. For example,
I have a recording for less than $10.
@Alamar9's avatar on Twitter, and played
with it in Photoshop. This is what I came
up with

I am no expert in Photoshop, but I do seem
to come up with many things that people
like (including my Twitter background).
It's fun, and it is a creative outlet, which
I enjoy, and I got to thinking that maybe
there were others on Twitter, or even in the
"real" world (how does the real world exist
without Twitter?) that might have a need for
a revamped original image, or perhaps something
that I can create for them.
You may have seen my previous blog entry about
how things are for me at the moment, and to
say "not good" is an understatement. People
seem to appreciate what I do, as long as it's
free. I am more than happy to give of myself,
the only problem is I need to pay bills, and
things are fairly desperate at the moment.
So...My request to you if you are reading this
is to remember me if you need - anything. I don't
know if I can help, or not, but I will give it
my best shot. I may not be able to help
personally, but I can reach out to others. In
addition, maybe I can help you in a way that I
can get paid for my services, maybe in a way you
didn't even know I was capable.
There are many things I am able to do, and it
is difficult to make a comprehensive listing of
them in a way that marketers tell me won't be
confusing for you.
I am open to partnering with people, creating
affiliate type relationships, to helping creating
basic web pages, to hosting those pages, to helping
someone with a project from an administrative point
of view, to...(the list could go on).
You can learn more about me and (about some of) what
I do at JoLoPe.net and HolidayStressBuster.com.
There is a lot there, and if you prefer, just
pick up the phone and call. I find it the most
expedient and effective way to get things done.
I know I can't be the only one in this position -
someone with something to give, and having
difficulty finding a way to give it and survive
these tough times. Let's do what we can for each
other - Please. Thank you.
PS If you'd like to help me with my basic needs
and are willing to donate any funds, you can send
money on PayPal to ThankYou@JoLoPe.com.
It sucks to ask because I would so much rather
do something to help another for any money received.
If you really want to help, the best thing you could
do is help another by helping them to find me. I
promise you, I will take very good care of them, and
should they want hypnosis, they will get one of the
best hypnotists out there. Thanks so much!
PPS This is about helping each other, so even if you
don't think you can help me, and you need help, please
speak up! However, don't underestimate the value of
a recommendation, or a small purchase. For example,
I have a recording for less than $10.
financial need,
helping another,
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Perspective Short: Elizabeth Alraune
When things and money
cease to be more
important than people,
things and money
will take
care of people.
~ E. Alraune
cease to be more
important than people,
things and money
will take
care of people.
~ E. Alraune
Elizabeth Alraune,
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
To My Followers on Twitter
This summary is not available. Please
click here to view the post.
advertising on Twitter,
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Soon to Appear on The Jobs Guy Website: Dear JoLoPe
This summary is not available. Please
click here to view the post.
dear jolope,
Elizabeth Alraune,
Saturday, November 7, 2009
"All Americans Have Health Care" - Huh?
Rep. Steve King said this about health care:
I could see why many would get upset about
his statements. He obviously has a perspective
they don't. I can only imagine he is thinking
about Medicaid, and other types of emergency
type of help people can sometimes get.
However, I don't quite know how emergency help
equates to "health care."
I don't know what the answer is to the current
dilemma, but what I do know is that when the
people who are making the decisions don't really
understand the perspectives of those they are
making the decisions for, there is a problem.
Please remember that the next time you are in
a position to affect those you are responsible
Thank you.
I could see why many would get upset about
his statements. He obviously has a perspective
they don't. I can only imagine he is thinking
about Medicaid, and other types of emergency
type of help people can sometimes get.
However, I don't quite know how emergency help
equates to "health care."
I don't know what the answer is to the current
dilemma, but what I do know is that when the
people who are making the decisions don't really
understand the perspectives of those they are
making the decisions for, there is a problem.
Please remember that the next time you are in
a position to affect those you are responsible
Thank you.
health care debate,
Rep Steve King
Friday, November 6, 2009
Understanding is difficult, and yet Judgment is so Easy
This summary is not available. Please
click here to view the post.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Perspective Short: St. Francis de Sales: On Fear and Love
Those who love to be feared fear to be loved,
and they themselves are more afraid than anyone,
for whereas other men fear only them, they
fear everyone.
~St. Francis de Sales
and they themselves are more afraid than anyone,
for whereas other men fear only them, they
fear everyone.
~St. Francis de Sales
St Francis de Sales
Perspective: Communication and Human Equations
We all have equations: If X, then Y.
If you love me, then you'd call me every day.
If you love me, then you'd give me some space.
If you're in a relationship, it is
important to know what the other
person's equations are, and to share
yours, and both parties need to
determine if the other person's
equation is something that they
can work with.
Nothing says equations can't change,
but the only equation you can change
is your own.
If you love me, then you'd call me every day.
If you love me, then you'd give me some space.
If you're in a relationship, it is
important to know what the other
person's equations are, and to share
yours, and both parties need to
determine if the other person's
equation is something that they
can work with.
Nothing says equations can't change,
but the only equation you can change
is your own.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Perspective: The You that Others See

The above picture was a gift from @garciaje on Twitter. He is a graphic designer, among other things (I'd give a web address, but he doesn't provide one).
Out of the blue he sent this picture a few days ago. I thanked him and, as I looked at it and appreciated his version of me (and interpretation of one of my avatars), I got to thinking about how others see me.
At the same time, Twitter released its list making abilities, and it is interesting to see the names of these lists. It certainly tells you a little something about how you are perceived when you show up on a list called People-I-Have-Seen-Naked (which, by the way, and for the record, she hasn't - not quite sure what she does mean. Just thought it an interesting list name) or Geeky-in-a-Sexy-Cool-Way. I struggled with how to "do" Twitter in the beginning, so it is cool to see myself on the list of a Twitter leader (@Kim) called Rockin-This-Twitter.
For someone who has spent a good part of her life trying to hide...the last few years have been a big exercise in stepping out, and being seen. It takes some getting used to, and it helps that I am getting such a wonderful reception, and to know "that you like me, you really really like me!" (or something like that, LOL) Thank you for spending some of your precious time and energy with me. What a gift.
Life: It's an amazing ride.
the you others see,
twitter lists
Monday, November 2, 2009
Perspective: Songs are to be Sung
I don't know about you, but it bothers me
(and has for a while) when people charge
what seems like insane prices for things
because, they say, there is a perception
that if something is expensive, it is of
better value. They also say that it has
to do with your own perception of value.
Whether or not these things are perceived
truths, doesn't mean that they need to stay
that way. I watched a video with a
hypnotist who says that if a hypnotist is
inexpensive they're no good. Someone
watching that could very well buy into it,
as it fits in with the first thing I
mentioned above.
However, I can tell you that it just so
happens that I am a dang good hypnotist,
and have worked for free, and discounted
rates on more than one occasion. Why?
Because I believe if someone wants and
needs help they should be able to get it.
I have had clients who have gone to hypnotists
in person who charge more than I do, and have
been unable to be hypnotized. They come to me,
and not only are hypnotized (and often on the
phone), but get results.
I ask you to consider the model that we have
been living in. It is the same model that has
a very high unemployment rate at the moment,
and people in significant credit problems.
I just had a friend tell me that maybe I should
charge $300 for a Letter of Love, maybe people
would buy it. I offered the Letters over the
weekend for whatever people would be willing to
pay for one, with it being a minimum of $1.00.
Not one person took me up on it. I have been
told that maybe people don't understand what they
are, and yet anyone who has visited the page has
felt the value of what they seem to offer.
I also had someone once buy one (granted an
atypical case) without even knowing what she
had bought (she had used her intuition, which
was rewarded when she received her personalized
In addition, I offer a FULL MONEY BACK Guarantee.
If it doesn't fit, you get your money back. And
yet, not one person asked for one.
It is befuddling to me. I realize that there will
be those with marketing caps on that will say
something about how I market it, or don't, or who
my audience is, and so on...however, I firmly
believe that when we allow ourselves to act on
something (even when - and especially when - we
don't understand it) we are usually rewarded.
There will be others who will say find out what
people want, and give it to them. In my experience,
these letters are what people want, they're just not
packaged in the way that they might expect.
There is a part of me that wants to desperately
disprove what all of these "gurus" are saying. There
is a part of me that believes that if we live in a way
that is true to ourselves, it paves the way for things
better than money can buy...even though money may
indeed exchange hands.
The whole recent Sedona, AZ incident, to me, is in
some way "proof" of that. So many have questioned, given
the available details, why the cost was as high as it was.
I believe that there are things that I can do that can
help people. Some would call them "gifts." I don't
really like the term because it feels like an elevation
and I don't believe I am any different than you or anyone
else. What I believe is different (perhaps) are my
passions and my focus. When you are passionate and
focused it would seem to me that you would be pretty darn
good at what you do, and it might just seem like a "gift"
to someone who is passionate and focused in another
Many who have experienced my works have expressed
appreciation for them. Because I have not used them as
a ploy to get you to buy anything, they are given freely
and with Love.
However, I do need to make a living, and at the moment I
am struggling. I have been struggling all year to find
a way to present myself in a way to the world that is
helpful to anyone who might be touched in some way by
what I do.
I have taken different approaches, however two that I
have declined to take are the ones that seem to be
manipulative (do you realize how much you are
manipulated?) and the outrageous, high price.
What I have failed to do is to convey to you, and anyone
listening, is the value there is in your getting to know
me as a Life Coach and Certified Hypnotist.
The fact is what you get is YOU. How do you convey
something so unique to every individual and circumstance?
Apparently with great difficulty.
I have lots of questions about things, and have many
unanswered questions. not the least of which is how to
convey to you that I believe that if we put our collective
heads together we might just find that we can help not only
ourselves, but others.
In general, the world is hurting, and in specific, I am
hurting because there is an expression of me that is not
finding its outlet.
I'd like to ask you two things:
1. What do you need in your life?
2. How can I help to make that happen?
Next, I invite you to pick up the phone, and call me
(just click the phone icon below).
Let's talk. Let's create. Let's shake things up.
Let's stop accepting anything that doesn't work for us,
and creating a world in which we get to be all that we
can be.
I am also asking you to pass this along to others if you
feel like there is a valuable message here. I am fairly
certain that you appreciate when the song in you is
sung. If you would like some help to have your song sung, I would love to help. At the same time, you will help me sing mine, and in the process together perhaps we can help others to sing theirs.
Thank you for listening.
(and has for a while) when people charge
what seems like insane prices for things
because, they say, there is a perception
that if something is expensive, it is of
better value. They also say that it has
to do with your own perception of value.
Whether or not these things are perceived
truths, doesn't mean that they need to stay
that way. I watched a video with a
hypnotist who says that if a hypnotist is
inexpensive they're no good. Someone
watching that could very well buy into it,
as it fits in with the first thing I
mentioned above.
However, I can tell you that it just so
happens that I am a dang good hypnotist,
and have worked for free, and discounted
rates on more than one occasion. Why?
Because I believe if someone wants and
needs help they should be able to get it.
I have had clients who have gone to hypnotists
in person who charge more than I do, and have
been unable to be hypnotized. They come to me,
and not only are hypnotized (and often on the
phone), but get results.
I ask you to consider the model that we have
been living in. It is the same model that has
a very high unemployment rate at the moment,
and people in significant credit problems.
I just had a friend tell me that maybe I should
charge $300 for a Letter of Love, maybe people
would buy it. I offered the Letters over the
weekend for whatever people would be willing to
pay for one, with it being a minimum of $1.00.
Not one person took me up on it. I have been
told that maybe people don't understand what they
are, and yet anyone who has visited the page has
felt the value of what they seem to offer.
I also had someone once buy one (granted an
atypical case) without even knowing what she
had bought (she had used her intuition, which
was rewarded when she received her personalized
In addition, I offer a FULL MONEY BACK Guarantee.
If it doesn't fit, you get your money back. And
yet, not one person asked for one.
It is befuddling to me. I realize that there will
be those with marketing caps on that will say
something about how I market it, or don't, or who
my audience is, and so on...however, I firmly
believe that when we allow ourselves to act on
something (even when - and especially when - we
don't understand it) we are usually rewarded.
There will be others who will say find out what
people want, and give it to them. In my experience,
these letters are what people want, they're just not
packaged in the way that they might expect.
There is a part of me that wants to desperately
disprove what all of these "gurus" are saying. There
is a part of me that believes that if we live in a way
that is true to ourselves, it paves the way for things
better than money can buy...even though money may
indeed exchange hands.
The whole recent Sedona, AZ incident, to me, is in
some way "proof" of that. So many have questioned, given
the available details, why the cost was as high as it was.
I believe that there are things that I can do that can
help people. Some would call them "gifts." I don't
really like the term because it feels like an elevation
and I don't believe I am any different than you or anyone
else. What I believe is different (perhaps) are my
passions and my focus. When you are passionate and
focused it would seem to me that you would be pretty darn
good at what you do, and it might just seem like a "gift"
to someone who is passionate and focused in another
Many who have experienced my works have expressed
appreciation for them. Because I have not used them as
a ploy to get you to buy anything, they are given freely
and with Love.
However, I do need to make a living, and at the moment I
am struggling. I have been struggling all year to find
a way to present myself in a way to the world that is
helpful to anyone who might be touched in some way by
what I do.
I have taken different approaches, however two that I
have declined to take are the ones that seem to be
manipulative (do you realize how much you are
manipulated?) and the outrageous, high price.
What I have failed to do is to convey to you, and anyone
listening, is the value there is in your getting to know
me as a Life Coach and Certified Hypnotist.
The fact is what you get is YOU. How do you convey
something so unique to every individual and circumstance?
Apparently with great difficulty.
I have lots of questions about things, and have many
unanswered questions. not the least of which is how to
convey to you that I believe that if we put our collective
heads together we might just find that we can help not only
ourselves, but others.
In general, the world is hurting, and in specific, I am
hurting because there is an expression of me that is not
finding its outlet.
I'd like to ask you two things:
1. What do you need in your life?
2. How can I help to make that happen?
Next, I invite you to pick up the phone, and call me
(just click the phone icon below).
Let's talk. Let's create. Let's shake things up.
Let's stop accepting anything that doesn't work for us,
and creating a world in which we get to be all that we
can be.
I am also asking you to pass this along to others if you
feel like there is a valuable message here. I am fairly
certain that you appreciate when the song in you is
sung. If you would like some help to have your song sung, I would love to help. At the same time, you will help me sing mine, and in the process together perhaps we can help others to sing theirs.
Thank you for listening.
letters of love,
Life Purpose,
Sunday, November 1, 2009
JOy LOve PEace - where is it?
Friday, October 30, 2009
Letters of Love - Special Treat
Do you know about my Letters of Love?
If you don't, you may want to. For
each individual that I have written
one for it is a balance of love,
understanding, encouragement, and
I have shared some of the letters
written to others, and many have
agreed there are some very profound
universal messages.
The letters have often elicited a
"WOW" response. Many are surprised
that all I need to do one is a name/
a way to identify the person, but
that is indeed it.
Because of the nature of it, I offer
a 100% money back guarantee for the
$35 I normally charge. Every person
who has ever paid felt the money
spent was well worth it, and that is
my preferred response from those who
get one (smile).
Since it is Halloween weekend, and
it is a time for "tricks" or "treats,"
I thought I would offer a treat.
I would like to offer you the
opportunity to name your own price
for one of these letters, with a
minimum price of $1.00, and offer
you the same money back guarantee.
All you need to do is send your
payment to ThankYouATJoLoPe.com on
Paypal with a note that it is for a
letter. In addition, please add the
name of the person the letter is for.
Once you've made your payment, please
drop me a quick note at infoATJoLoPe.com
to let me know.
This offer of "name your own price"
stands until Sunday, November 1,
midnight (CA time).
If you'd like to learn more about
these letters, please visit
Notes-of-Love.com and/or
see a previous blog entry with a
video where I discuss being true
to yourself.
I love writing these letters, and
welcome the opportunity to do one
for you, or someone you know.
I look forward to hearing from you,
and thank you in advance for sharing
this with others, should you feel it
Have a great weekend!
If you don't, you may want to. For
each individual that I have written
one for it is a balance of love,
understanding, encouragement, and
I have shared some of the letters
written to others, and many have
agreed there are some very profound
universal messages.
The letters have often elicited a
"WOW" response. Many are surprised
that all I need to do one is a name/
a way to identify the person, but
that is indeed it.
Because of the nature of it, I offer
a 100% money back guarantee for the
$35 I normally charge. Every person
who has ever paid felt the money
spent was well worth it, and that is
my preferred response from those who
get one (smile).
Since it is Halloween weekend, and
it is a time for "tricks" or "treats,"
I thought I would offer a treat.
I would like to offer you the
opportunity to name your own price
for one of these letters, with a
minimum price of $1.00, and offer
you the same money back guarantee.
All you need to do is send your
payment to ThankYouATJoLoPe.com on
Paypal with a note that it is for a
letter. In addition, please add the
name of the person the letter is for.
Once you've made your payment, please
drop me a quick note at infoATJoLoPe.com
to let me know.
This offer of "name your own price"
stands until Sunday, November 1,
midnight (CA time).
If you'd like to learn more about
these letters, please visit
Notes-of-Love.com and/or
see a previous blog entry with a
video where I discuss being true
to yourself.
I love writing these letters, and
welcome the opportunity to do one
for you, or someone you know.
I look forward to hearing from you,
and thank you in advance for sharing
this with others, should you feel it
Have a great weekend!
letters of love,
special offer,
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Perspective: Influenza - What are you "in"?
Today I started to think about the flu. I have thought about it before, but it occurred to me to write about it in my own unique perspective. Perhaps there are others out there considering this conversation the same way I am, but I have yet to see it, so it makes me wonder if others have.
There are two books and authors that speak to the mind/body connection when it comes to our body that I often recommend: Feelings Buried Alive by Karol K. Truman and You Can Heal Your Life by Louise L. Hay. They both have a "menu" of physical symptoms and what they perceive to be the correlating thoughts/emotions.
What I have found is that often these lists are amazingly in tune with what is going on with me and others. When I first started to consider the possibility that the mind and body could be related, it was a difficult thing. Others would say, well, yeah there's that, but, there is also a bug, and that might be what is causing "X." And, I was like, well, yes, but no? You see I found myself wondering how you could say things were related, but not?
What I have come to realize is that it is very difficult to talk about the relationship because it means an inherent level of responsibility for our situation (you mean it's MY "fault" I'm sick?), and while I certainly don't have all of the answers to many of the inevitable questions, I do my best with the ones that make sense to me. Even with the outstanding questions, what I am sharing with you is part of where I come from for myself and when working with others, and find that there have been many times it has been useful.
Maybe they'll be helpful to you. When you can see how the body and mind can connect, then it gives us one of the things we as humans so desperately crave - an element of control. If our mind and emotions do cause what happens with our body, when we deal with them it could have the potential to affect how our body feels. If we can identify what is going on with us, and address it, it might help prevent some things from happening, and help others to clear up.
It may not align with some readers and their beliefs. I would expect that, after all, I always believe we need to be where we need to be, and that is the place where our choices and beliefs resonate for us, and if we all agreed the world would be a much different place. Perhaps this discussion will in some way confirm what they believe. All I ever desire is a healthy and conversation, with respect to perspectives shared.
As far as the bug thing goes, I think that the difference for some people might just be where they are emotionally and mentally in life. Perhaps those who feel good about life, and are optimistic, without fear, and anger could find themselves physically fine while others who have been exposed to the bug are sick, and therein lies the relationship. First line of defense being the handling of things that need to be handled, and when that happens, the "bug" has no where to land, or if it does, its effects can be minimal.
This conversation is much bigger than a blog entry (after all many books have been written on the topic) so there is no way that it could be all encompassing. If it has you asking questions, then I would like to think it has served its purpose. I tend to think that if we are unwilling to ask questions of the things we believe, then what we say we believe, we may not believe at all.
Having said that, the following are a few thoughts that I have come up with with Karol and Louise's assistance. If you want to pursue the conversation more thoroughly, I welcome it, and of course, you can seek their books out.
First I thought about the word "Influenza." It is interesting to me to note the parts of the word "in" fluenza. Whatever "fluenza" is, one with the flu is "in" it. If you consider the mind/body connection, what are you "in"?
Consider that a chimney flue removes smoke, hot air and gas from your living environment. If you were in that flue, it would be unhealthy, and likely could kill you, or at least make you sick. What things are you in that are unhealthy for you?
In addition, influenza could also relate to
mass fear
a fear of the worst thing/outcome
Mass fear, fear of a "worst" outcome. Consider how our world is at the moment. How do you think people are handling it? Are they handling it? Or might they be surviving it? If there are things that are affecting us that aren't being addressed, our body tends to tell us that something is up by its symptoms.
What are the symptoms of the flu?
cough - can be related to
feeling annoyed
feeling like your life circumstances are intolerable
In general a reaction of the body in an attempt to release
sore throat
throats are about expression - are you sore about something you've expressed?
or sore about something that needs to be expressed?
It can also relate to creativity and its expression or lack thereof
could relate to boredom
if feeling fatigued, what burdens are you carrying emotionally?
or what are you carrying that feels like a burden?
What are you holding on to? What are you resisting? fighting?
a contracting/pulling in
could be a form of protection/wanting to be left alone/an escape
anger ("hot" under the collar)
runny or stuffy nose
difficulty in "breathing" in life
and/or controlling your life and/or circumstances
a form of crying
potential childlike feeling/desire for attention/to be taken care of
feeling stuffed/blocked
body ache
physical pain can be an expression of inner (emotional) pain.
It can also be a form of punishment where there might be guilt
Can also relate to sadness, or an "ache" to be loved/feel love.
thoughts that hurt and/or are painful to consider
being hard on yourself
an act of release/an inability to digest what is going on
an act of involuntary surrender/perhaps a desire to surrender
could relate to fear
a running off/feeling lack of control in regard to all of the s*** in your life
also could relate to fear
So now that you have seen this list, perhaps consider what is going on for you, and in your life. If there are things you've pushed aside, perhaps consider bringing them out, and dusting them off, and finding a way to address them. The good/bad news is that our body will often tell us when things need to be addressed. However, the beauty of having information like this is the possibility of creating an inhospitable environment for the things that could make us feel unwell, and prevent us from being anything but our best selves.
Please be safe and well this winter, and if there is anything that I can do in the way of information or support (hypnosis is a great tool for so many things) please let me know. You can reach me all kinds of ways, including clicking the phone icon below.
As always, I welcome your comments and thoughts.
There are two books and authors that speak to the mind/body connection when it comes to our body that I often recommend: Feelings Buried Alive by Karol K. Truman and You Can Heal Your Life by Louise L. Hay. They both have a "menu" of physical symptoms and what they perceive to be the correlating thoughts/emotions.
What I have found is that often these lists are amazingly in tune with what is going on with me and others. When I first started to consider the possibility that the mind and body could be related, it was a difficult thing. Others would say, well, yeah there's that, but, there is also a bug, and that might be what is causing "X." And, I was like, well, yes, but no? You see I found myself wondering how you could say things were related, but not?
What I have come to realize is that it is very difficult to talk about the relationship because it means an inherent level of responsibility for our situation (you mean it's MY "fault" I'm sick?), and while I certainly don't have all of the answers to many of the inevitable questions, I do my best with the ones that make sense to me. Even with the outstanding questions, what I am sharing with you is part of where I come from for myself and when working with others, and find that there have been many times it has been useful.
Maybe they'll be helpful to you. When you can see how the body and mind can connect, then it gives us one of the things we as humans so desperately crave - an element of control. If our mind and emotions do cause what happens with our body, when we deal with them it could have the potential to affect how our body feels. If we can identify what is going on with us, and address it, it might help prevent some things from happening, and help others to clear up.
It may not align with some readers and their beliefs. I would expect that, after all, I always believe we need to be where we need to be, and that is the place where our choices and beliefs resonate for us, and if we all agreed the world would be a much different place. Perhaps this discussion will in some way confirm what they believe. All I ever desire is a healthy and conversation, with respect to perspectives shared.
As far as the bug thing goes, I think that the difference for some people might just be where they are emotionally and mentally in life. Perhaps those who feel good about life, and are optimistic, without fear, and anger could find themselves physically fine while others who have been exposed to the bug are sick, and therein lies the relationship. First line of defense being the handling of things that need to be handled, and when that happens, the "bug" has no where to land, or if it does, its effects can be minimal.
This conversation is much bigger than a blog entry (after all many books have been written on the topic) so there is no way that it could be all encompassing. If it has you asking questions, then I would like to think it has served its purpose. I tend to think that if we are unwilling to ask questions of the things we believe, then what we say we believe, we may not believe at all.
Having said that, the following are a few thoughts that I have come up with with Karol and Louise's assistance. If you want to pursue the conversation more thoroughly, I welcome it, and of course, you can seek their books out.
First I thought about the word "Influenza." It is interesting to me to note the parts of the word "in" fluenza. Whatever "fluenza" is, one with the flu is "in" it. If you consider the mind/body connection, what are you "in"?
Consider that a chimney flue removes smoke, hot air and gas from your living environment. If you were in that flue, it would be unhealthy, and likely could kill you, or at least make you sick. What things are you in that are unhealthy for you?
In addition, influenza could also relate to
mass fear
a fear of the worst thing/outcome
Mass fear, fear of a "worst" outcome. Consider how our world is at the moment. How do you think people are handling it? Are they handling it? Or might they be surviving it? If there are things that are affecting us that aren't being addressed, our body tends to tell us that something is up by its symptoms.
What are the symptoms of the flu?
cough - can be related to
feeling annoyed
feeling like your life circumstances are intolerable
In general a reaction of the body in an attempt to release
sore throat
throats are about expression - are you sore about something you've expressed?
or sore about something that needs to be expressed?
It can also relate to creativity and its expression or lack thereof
could relate to boredom
if feeling fatigued, what burdens are you carrying emotionally?
or what are you carrying that feels like a burden?
What are you holding on to? What are you resisting? fighting?
a contracting/pulling in
could be a form of protection/wanting to be left alone/an escape
anger ("hot" under the collar)
runny or stuffy nose
difficulty in "breathing" in life
and/or controlling your life and/or circumstances
a form of crying
potential childlike feeling/desire for attention/to be taken care of
feeling stuffed/blocked
body ache
physical pain can be an expression of inner (emotional) pain.
It can also be a form of punishment where there might be guilt
Can also relate to sadness, or an "ache" to be loved/feel love.
thoughts that hurt and/or are painful to consider
being hard on yourself
an act of release/an inability to digest what is going on
an act of involuntary surrender/perhaps a desire to surrender
could relate to fear
a running off/feeling lack of control in regard to all of the s*** in your life
also could relate to fear
So now that you have seen this list, perhaps consider what is going on for you, and in your life. If there are things you've pushed aside, perhaps consider bringing them out, and dusting them off, and finding a way to address them. The good/bad news is that our body will often tell us when things need to be addressed. However, the beauty of having information like this is the possibility of creating an inhospitable environment for the things that could make us feel unwell, and prevent us from being anything but our best selves.
Please be safe and well this winter, and if there is anything that I can do in the way of information or support (hypnosis is a great tool for so many things) please let me know. You can reach me all kinds of ways, including clicking the phone icon below.
As always, I welcome your comments and thoughts.
Karol Truman,
louise Hay,
mind body connection
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Perspective: Sunset Over Phoenix
I love taking pictures from a plane.
I have gotten some really gorgeous ones,
and I'll need to share more at some point.
Oddly, they consider a digital camera
"electronic" equipment (maybe someone
can explain this to me?), and it's not
as easy as it once was to take pics at
the beginning and ending of a flight.
I have gotten some really gorgeous ones,
and I'll need to share more at some point.
Oddly, they consider a digital camera
"electronic" equipment (maybe someone
can explain this to me?), and it's not
as easy as it once was to take pics at
the beginning and ending of a flight.

Perspective: Jon Stewart & CNN - "We'll Leave it There"
I think Jon Stewart has great perspective on things.
While his show is often humorous, it is the kind of
humor that can get you questioning things, and I am
always up for a good question.
In this case, there are some very interesting things
he brings up, however, the one I am left with,
probably is not quite where he as headed.
He makes some fun of CNN's "we'll leave it there"
closing. Of course, they can't be the only ones to
ever say it, but the joke wouldn't have worked so
well if others were brought into it.
The thing that occurs to me is how often do we leave
things "there" in ways unstated (or even stated), and
more importantly what does that action cost us? What
would be the cost of allowing ourselves the time and
effort to explore whatever it is that we need to
And, with that...I'll leave it there.
While his show is often humorous, it is the kind of
humor that can get you questioning things, and I am
always up for a good question.
In this case, there are some very interesting things
he brings up, however, the one I am left with,
probably is not quite where he as headed.
He makes some fun of CNN's "we'll leave it there"
closing. Of course, they can't be the only ones to
ever say it, but the joke wouldn't have worked so
well if others were brought into it.
The thing that occurs to me is how often do we leave
things "there" in ways unstated (or even stated), and
more importantly what does that action cost us? What
would be the cost of allowing ourselves the time and
effort to explore whatever it is that we need to
And, with that...I'll leave it there.
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c | |||
CNN Leaves It There | ||||
www.thedailyshow.com | ||||
jon stewart,
the daily show,
we'll leave it there
Sunday, October 25, 2009
"How much does your life weigh?"
Interesting question. This movie looks like
it would be thoughtful on several levels.
Another question that comes up for me
watching this trailer is, what are the
"miles" in our lives, and are they worth
pursuing? Are they valuable enough
to cover the "cost"?
I might have to see this movie. :-) If you
you do, please come and comment - let
me know what you thought of it.
it would be thoughtful on several levels.
Another question that comes up for me
watching this trailer is, what are the
"miles" in our lives, and are they worth
pursuing? Are they valuable enough
to cover the "cost"?
I might have to see this movie. :-) If you
you do, please come and comment - let
me know what you thought of it.
george clooney,
movie trailer,
up in the air,
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Perspective: Divorce Illegal in California?
Last year there was much conversation
around California and gay marriage.
In the end, the proposition allowing
gay marriage wasn't passed.
I thought the videos below were an
interesting perspective piece, and
make an interesting point.
There are horrendous relationships
between two adults of the opposite
sex that are terrible for anyone
involved. Why would it be so
difficult to believe that there
could be a loving, supportive, and
successful family with two people
of the same sex?
Something that is "normal" isn't
always "good." It's just "normal."
It's what we're used to. Our minds
are rigged that way: "Good"="Known"
"Bed"="Unknown." But something
"good" because it's "known" could still
be bad for us, and something "bad"
because it's "unknown" could be
something great for us.
Is it possible that there could be
some good things that could come
from a change in perspective?
I hesitate in discussing this topic
much further at the moment, as it is
a multi-faceted and multi-layered
issue. It is also not one that I
am entirely versed on.
However, I present this as it is an
excellent example of my favorite word:
around California and gay marriage.
In the end, the proposition allowing
gay marriage wasn't passed.
I thought the videos below were an
interesting perspective piece, and
make an interesting point.
There are horrendous relationships
between two adults of the opposite
sex that are terrible for anyone
involved. Why would it be so
difficult to believe that there
could be a loving, supportive, and
successful family with two people
of the same sex?
Something that is "normal" isn't
always "good." It's just "normal."
It's what we're used to. Our minds
are rigged that way: "Good"="Known"
"Bed"="Unknown." But something
"good" because it's "known" could still
be bad for us, and something "bad"
because it's "unknown" could be
something great for us.
Is it possible that there could be
some good things that could come
from a change in perspective?
I hesitate in discussing this topic
much further at the moment, as it is
a multi-faceted and multi-layered
issue. It is also not one that I
am entirely versed on.
However, I present this as it is an
excellent example of my favorite word:
divorce illegal in california,
gay marriage,
Friday, October 23, 2009
Perspective: Untitled (The Movie)
The premise of this movie looks like a
perspective at its offbeat best.
If you see it, let me know what you think.
perspective at its offbeat best.
If you see it, let me know what you think.
movie trailer,
untitled the movie,
Perspective: Ballet Dancers Unlike Any You're Likely Ever Seen Before
I would have to wonder if what these two
do in the following video is seen as
extraordinary by them. If I had to guess,
I would say the answer is likely a NO.
The beauty for the rest of us is the
fact that it might seem extraordinary
gives us perspective in which to
experience our own lives and choices.
Poignant. Beautiful. Touching.
What other words might you add?
do in the following video is seen as
extraordinary by them. If I had to guess,
I would say the answer is likely a NO.
The beauty for the rest of us is the
fact that it might seem extraordinary
gives us perspective in which to
experience our own lives and choices.
Poignant. Beautiful. Touching.
What other words might you add?
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