The above picture was a gift from @garciaje on Twitter. He is a graphic designer, among other things (I'd give a web address, but he doesn't provide one).
Out of the blue he sent this picture a few days ago. I thanked him and, as I looked at it and appreciated his version of me (and interpretation of one of my avatars), I got to thinking about how others see me.
At the same time, Twitter released its list making abilities, and it is interesting to see the names of these lists. It certainly tells you a little something about how you are perceived when you show up on a list called People-I-Have-Seen-Naked (which, by the way, and for the record, she hasn't - not quite sure what she does mean. Just thought it an interesting list name) or Geeky-in-a-Sexy-Cool-Way. I struggled with how to "do" Twitter in the beginning, so it is cool to see myself on the list of a Twitter leader (@Kim) called Rockin-This-Twitter.
For someone who has spent a good part of her life trying to hide...the last few years have been a big exercise in stepping out, and being seen. It takes some getting used to, and it helps that I am getting such a wonderful reception, and to know "that you like me, you really really like me!" (or something like that, LOL) Thank you for spending some of your precious time and energy with me. What a gift.
Life: It's an amazing ride.
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