I don't know about you, but it bothers me
(and has for a while) when people charge
what seems like insane prices for things
because, they say, there is a perception
that if something is expensive, it is of
better value. They also say that it has
to do with your own perception of value.
Whether or not these things are perceived
truths, doesn't mean that they need to stay
that way. I watched a video with a
hypnotist who says that if a hypnotist is
inexpensive they're no good. Someone
watching that could very well buy into it,
as it fits in with the first thing I
mentioned above.
However, I can tell you that it just so
happens that I am a dang good hypnotist,
and have worked for free, and discounted
rates on more than one occasion. Why?
Because I believe if someone wants and
needs help they should be able to get it.
I have had clients who have gone to hypnotists
in person who charge more than I do, and have
been unable to be hypnotized. They come to me,
and not only are hypnotized (and often on the
phone), but get results.
I ask you to consider the model that we have
been living in. It is the same model that has
a very high unemployment rate at the moment,
and people in significant credit problems.
I just had a friend tell me that maybe I should
charge $300 for a
Letter of Love, maybe people
would buy it. I offered the Letters over the
weekend for whatever people would be willing to
pay for one, with it being a minimum of $1.00.
Not one person took me up on it. I have been
told that maybe people don't understand what they
are, and yet anyone who has visited the page has
felt the value of what they seem to offer.
I also had someone once buy one (granted an
atypical case) without even knowing what she
had bought (she had used her intuition, which
was rewarded when she received her personalized
In addition, I offer a FULL MONEY BACK Guarantee.
If it doesn't fit, you get your money back. And
yet, not one person asked for one.
It is befuddling to me. I realize that there will
be those with marketing caps on that will say
something about how I market it, or don't, or who
my audience is, and so on...however, I firmly
believe that when we allow ourselves to act on
something (even when - and especially when - we
don't understand it) we are usually rewarded.
There will be others who will say find out what
people want, and give it to them. In my experience,
these letters are what people want, they're just not
packaged in the way that they might expect.
There is a part of me that wants to desperately
disprove what all of these "gurus" are saying. There
is a part of me that believes that if we live in a way
that is true to ourselves, it paves the way for things
better than money can buy...even though money may
indeed exchange hands.
The whole
recent Sedona, AZ incident, to me, is in
some way "proof" of that. So many have questioned, given
the available details, why the cost was as high as it was.
I believe that there are things that I can do that can
help people. Some would call them "gifts." I don't
really like the term because it feels like an elevation
and I don't believe I am any different than you or anyone
else. What I believe is different (perhaps) are my
passions and my focus. When you are passionate and
focused it would seem to me that you would be pretty darn
good at what you do, and it might just seem like a "gift"
to someone who is passionate and focused in another
Many who have experienced my works have expressed
appreciation for them. Because I have not used them as
a ploy to get you to buy anything, they are given freely
and with Love.
However, I do need to make a living, and at the moment I
am struggling. I have been struggling all year to find
a way to present myself in a way to the world that is
helpful to anyone who might be touched in some way by
what I do.
I have taken different approaches, however two that I
have declined to take are the ones that seem to be
manipulative (do you realize how much you are
manipulated?) and the outrageous, high price.
What I have failed to do is to convey to you, and anyone
listening, is the value there is in your getting to know
me as a Life Coach and Certified Hypnotist.
The fact is what you get is YOU. How do you convey
something so unique to every individual and circumstance?
Apparently with great difficulty.
I have lots of questions about things, and have many
unanswered questions. not the least of which is how to
convey to you that I believe that if we put our collective
heads together we might just find that we can help not only
ourselves, but others.
In general, the world is hurting, and in specific, I am
hurting because there is an expression of me that is not
finding its outlet.
I'd like to ask you two things:
1. What do you need in your life?
2. How can I help to make that happen?
Next, I invite you to pick up the phone, and call me
(just click the phone icon below).
Let's talk. Let's create. Let's shake things up.
Let's stop accepting anything that doesn't work for us,
and creating a world in which we get to be all that we
can be.
I am also asking you to pass this along to others if you
feel like there is a valuable message here. I am fairly
certain that you appreciate when the song in you is
sung. If you would like some help to have your song sung, I would love to help. At the same time, you will help me sing mine, and in the process together perhaps we can help others to sing theirs.Thank you for listening.