My friend MiMi is very creative.
She taught me how to make some very cool
things using an art style she developed
using previously used goods - in other
words, recycled art.
She has made her own jewelry for years,
as well as other things. The picture
above is one of her pieces. I love it,
and wanted to share some of her work,
because I just love her jewelry, and
the perspective from which she works.
Of course, if anyone also happens to
love it, then all the better for her,
too. Because she is the artist, and
not the business person, I am playing
middle man for anyone who might be
interested in purchasing her jewelry.
I will be putting together a page of
her work, so if you think it will be
of interest - stay tuned.
In the meantime, if you'd like to
purchase this set, email me at
infoATJoLoPe.com for details. Please
put "MiMi" in the Subject Line.
If you would like to get the word out
about what you do (or know of someone
who would like to get the word out
about what they do), let's talk...I'd
be happy to see what I could do to
help! Email, or click the telephone
image just below to call.
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