Looking for stories from people of a time
that being "true to yourself" was
rewarding and empowering.
It was likely a time you felt you were
swimming against the tide, but it "felt"
more right than any other option(s) you
had, or others thought you should choose.
It could be a time
* your head and your heart were at odds,
and you went with your heart
* that you were yourself in spite of what
others said or believed
* when the odds may have seemed against
what you want to do/what you believed
* when what you were doing made no
sense to you, or anyone around you
* when success may have been defined differently
than what is "traditional" or "expected."
By submitting your story, you are giving me
permission to use it for my blog, newsletter,
and/or any other project my creativity might
come up with.
You are also giving me permission to edit your
work. If you want to see it with the edits
before it is used, to be certain it conveys
you and your story accurately, just let me know.
In addition, you are also validating that you
own the rights to what you are submitting, and
that you have the rights to give me permission
to publish your story.
In exchange for your generosity, you can include
the following information with your story:
- A picture
- Your name
- Your business name
- Your Website Address
- Your Twitter/Facebook/LinkedIn
- Phone Number/Address
- Short Bio
Got questions? I got answers. Hopefully they'll
be the ones you need. :-)
Please email your information to
PLEASE forward this to others!
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